Thursday, January 12, 2012

Why Is God Surprised By Events in The Bible If He Is Omniscient

  In attempts to further my own biblical understanding, I was going through Genesis and something popped out that I hadn't noticed before.  Sometimes we as atheist get caught up in the "major" debatable issues, but some times forget the little things in the bible that make it even funnier when you actually think about what it means and says about the Judeo-Christan God.  Let's look at this line from Genesis 6:5-6 in the KJV:
"And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
 6And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart." 

Wait a minute.  God saw the wickedness of man and was sorrowful and regretted creating humans and this earth.  "13And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth."

These are two interesting lines here.  Why would an omniscient being actually be surprised and depressed about a situation that he knew was going to come to pass?  People, forget about the initial creation of man.  From the moment the christian god chose to create man kind, he knew our past, present and future.  In actuality, these concepts of linear time would not have meant anything to the christian god.  He would know just know everything about us.  So god knew that the Nephlim were coming to earth.  God knew that man would become wicked (because of original sin that was brought about by a situation that he created himself.  But that is another thing altogether.)  Why would he feel sorry and regret making us.  If god is indeed capable of feeling regret, wouldn't he have felt that from the simple knowledge of humanities existence.  Then why create us?  It seem that the biblical god is actually surprised that man is so wicked.

But what exactly is regret?  How do we define it in today's society.  "According to Landman's research (1993),
"Regret is a more or less painful cognitive and emotional state of feeling sorry for misfortunes, limitations, losses, transgressions, shortcomings, or mistakes. It is an experience of felt-reason or reasoned-emotion. The regretted matters may be sins of commission as well as sins of omission; they may range from the voluntary to the uncontrollable and accidental; they may be actually executed
deeds or entirely mental ones committed by oneself or by another person or group; they may be moral or legal transgressions or morally and legally neutral. . . ."(p. 36)

Now notice here that regret is used in the context of a person feeling regret for their actions or inaction's.  The consequences that follow and the things that one cannot control at times, i.e. losses and limitations.  Which one of these categories does the christian god fall into?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Church Strikes Back (or at least tries to)

The new year brings many different things to many different people.  No matter faith, race, color or creed, there is a certain air of opportunity and hope that permeates peoples lives at the beginning of every new year.  It seems like the catholic church is not exempt.  2010 was a great year for scientific study and advancement.  From the possibilities of Neptune's diamond core, new estimation of Earth type planets, arsenic based life forms here on earth, and the creation and study of anti-matter particles, the church seems to be losing ground.

  Dr Rowan Williams, just published a statement for the BBC concerning the 400 anniversary of KJV of the bible and how it's in depth explanation of the universe should help people understand the "big picture".

"Or you may feel there's only one big story and that's about money and whether I have got a job tomorrow and whether my children can afford higher education."
However, for people to make sense of their lives, the archbishop said it helps have a strongly-defined story in the background that tells us that we all matter." 

  Wow!!!  What a shocker!!  I have to reread the bible again.  I must have missed this "strongly-defined story"  the first several times around.  Let's see.  God, in six days, created the heavens, earth and man.  After that he was so exhausted that he had to take a break (pretty lazy of an omnipotent being).  It does not get more detailed than that.  I mean sure, okay.  Adam named all the animals, had a rib taken out, but all we receive from the bible are quick synopsis of the events.  I don't find this helping me or anyone with the "big-picture" at all.

  It's false hope people.  A diversionary tactic to get your mind off of the real issues and discoveries that man is making everyday about what is really going on and what really happened at our beginning.  Think this through.  The Creation vs Evolution debate is has been going on for quite some time now with the bible being the strongest aspect of the debate.  It's had a couple of thousand years to get it right.  Yet this year alone, science has shown that we may not be that unique.  A life form on this very planet that exchanges phosphorous for arsenic?  What can the bible thumping masses say about that?  Will they quote the fall of creation?  Or maybe it was all part of the plan.  You know, one of those many details that god was like "Ummm..ooppps...yeah, sorry about not mentioning that.  I thought my son would have come back by now so...yeah..."

  I find this a blatant tactic to steer the masses into a false and ignorant hope.  Why would religion want to lose it's power over the ignorant?  With everything socially that happening, it's scary to throw religion back into the mix of things.  I see crusades beginning once again.